
Pizza? Yeah, we go to town on it.

Real truth

Chicago Town is the UK’s No.1 frozen pizza brand. But faced with stiff competition from takeaway delivery apps, they needed to remind people what they’re all about. All-American heritage and the gooey, messy goodness of their pizzas.

Real connection

Chicago Town don’t just make pizza. They go to town on it. Layering properly delicious toppings over gloriously melted cheese. So that’s what we put centre stage. No people. No props. Just close ups of the good stuff. Every single mouth-watering mouthful. With TV, VOD and cinema activity accompanied by Frank Sinatra’s classic ‘My Kind of Town’.

And for subsequent campaigns, copy and photography was refreshed to hero the latest product.

Real results

+ 29%
brand share
+ 11%
brand value
growth in weeks following campaign


Pizza? Yeah, we go to town on it.

Keeping the UK’s No.1 frozen pizza brand at No.1.

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat


+44 (0)113 275 3912 [email protected]