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Diversity, inclusivity & representation have rightly been business-critical for industry leaders over recent months. From the strategy & creative we deliver for our clients to the messages we communicate within society and the structure of our teams, it’s positive to see this discussion happening across all sectors and all levels of our industry. But with any long-term change we cannot expect to rectify years of damage overnight. As well as conversation at all levels, we need action.

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Why brands and businesses are missing the point on NFTs?

We've seen unashamed cash grabs galore, so is there any merit in NFTs or are they just 2022's e-Ponzi Scheme? Joshua Hood, Senior Social Strategist at Grey London takes a look.

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A reminder that green is really the colour of money

There’s no need to pit profit against purpose - A thought piece by our UK Chief Creative Officer, Laurent Simon. The original piece was published in Campaign UK on January 13 2022.

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All great change is preceded by chaos

2022 started with a wearier expectation of continued change and having been at the forefront of driving rapid transformation throughout the pandemic, Karen Boswell, Chief Experience Officer (EMEA) shares a handful of her learnings translated to a set of expectations that she believes businesses need to be addressing over the coming months in order to achieve sustainable growth.

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Why Is the Role of Chief Diversity Officer Seen as a 'Dead-End Job'?

Our CEO, Rania Robinson discusses the CDO role in this article. "Too often Chief Diversity Officers are not supported by fellow C-suite leaders in DEI efforts. They must not be confined to the human resources department, but in a position to achieve real change."

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The momentum created by BLM is at risk of fading away

Trevor Robinson OBE, discusses how the Black Lives Matter movement dialogue needs to keep going. While the 'penny dropped' for many people over the last year, there is also a certain amount of complacency on the issue of racial justice creeping in.

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Trevor Robinson OBE interview: advice for minorities entering the world of advertising

Trevor hopes to bring about real change with regards to diversity in advertising and has been successfully doing great work to tackle issues of inequality and racial bias via the Create Not Hate campaign, founded in 2007. Create Not Hate has become somewhat of a movement in its own right, helping young people with backgrounds similar to Trevor’s, unleash their creative potential. It also successfully addresses the social issues underrepresented and minority groups live day to day.

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As we head into 2022, we believe just about every relationship has been questioned, re-evaluated and renegotiated. But it’s not all doom and gloom. For all the knee-jerk prophecies about the death of cities and the end of the office, we humans are social creatures and our world is still fundamentally built on relationships, including those with the brands and companies we buy from. Read further to see the 5 relationships that we believe will be redefined in 2022.

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An Appetite for Change

As the world edges ever closer to a new normal, the QSR sector will have to find new ways to engage consumers. Click to download the takeaway deck and recording for the insights and opportunities for your QSR brand in-store, at home and everywhere in between through product, campaign, experience and alternative channels.

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Brand Coins: A Guide to Some Possible Futures

If you’ve only just wrapped your head around the idea of jpegs selling for millions of dollars, you may not be ready for our CSO Will Lion’s guide to the brave new world of brandcoins. But you’re definitely going to need it. So strap in, it gets weird.

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Wellbeing shouldn't just be prioritised on #WorldMentalHealthDay. That's why we're delighted to be introducing our 'Feel Human at Work' series of workshops - Feel Calm, Feel Connected, Feel Mindful, and Feel Inspired, led by our Head of Wellbeing Jane Latham

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The journey driven advantage in brand transformation

Karen Boswell, Chief Experience Officer (EMEA), explores how Human-Centred Design (HCD) Thinking can create the right customer-led strategy and map the right journey for brand transformation.

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So what does it really take to be an excellent agency leader now?

It happens every decade or so that there’s a generational shift in agency leadership, a significant changing of the guard. New people rise to the top and fresh ways of doing business replace the old. It feels like change has never been more necessary, for new and established leaders alike. So what does it really take to be an excellent agency leader now?

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Post-COVID expectations and behaviours: Gen Z and financial services.

But there are ways that banks can help. Gen Z, born between the mid-90s and the early 2010s, became the largest generation back in 2019, and represent around one third of the global population. From school and university shutdowns to social distancing, debt and unemployment, Gen Z is coming of age in the midst of dramatic socio-economic turmoil. Financial services as an industry must remember that it is in a privileged position, holding significant power and ability to influence positively.

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US game developer Roblox Corporation’s acquisition of Guilded, the online platform for online to come together and communicate in meaningful ways, is further proof that the metaverse – a world in which the digital and physical are blurred – is having a bit of a moment . It should also be a wake-up call for every brand.

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Brands Must Wake Up to Their Responsibilities and Stop Lagging Behind on Climate Action

Right now, sustainable investing is seen as the growth opportunity of the decade with ESG stocks set to soar. PwC recently announced it is planning a $12bn investment for 100,000 new jobs to boost ESG expertise for clients. But the ESG boom can only come to fruition if the opportunity for innovation is embraced fully and authentically, and this can’t happen when businesses continue to operate in an unchanged value chain.