Want to be the noisiest brand in the category? Give 'Em HECK!


To develop a creative platform that would not only launch Heck’s sausages into a larger UK market but also support their ambitious NPD programme, including chicken, vegetarian, vegan and flexitarian products launches.

All while staying true to the spirit and attitude of this family-run Yorkshire business.

Irregular Answer

Position sausages as the unexpected (and delicious) solution to Britain's food needs.

Through the Give 'Em Heck! platform, bring Yorkshire irreverence to the stuffy side of the food aisles and serve up HECK! anywhere and everywhere.


Turnover has more than doubled during the time we’ve worked on HECK!

2x top 5 fastest growing independent brand in the UK (Virgin fast track)

Now the number 1 premium independent sausage brand in the UK.


Creating the world's Worst Football Kits

The Bedale AFC “sausage kits” have earned Heck over 50m impressions with zero media spend.

BBC worldwide homepage, BBC Sport, BBC Breakfast News, BBC5Live, Daily Mail (print and online), The WEEK (print), The Star (print), The Sun (Print), The Mirror, The i (print and online), METRO, BBC Look North (TV), TalkSport (Radio), Skysports, PIG WORLD, VICE MUNCHIES, and CBBC NEWSROUND!


Give 'Em HECK!

A bold creative platform that's stood the test of time and helped HECK's brand be as full of flavour as their food.

Feel free to get in touch

We'd love to chat

Hearts and Minds

0208 036 3980 [email protected]