Moving House And Moving On Up With Savills

The Background

In today’s tough housing market, Savills, the UK’s leading estate agent and market leader for £1m+ houses, challenged us to make the brand feel more accessible without comprising on aspiration to generate new market appraisals. Moving home is a highly emotive and stressful process, so we needed a campaign that conveyed Savills understands what home-moving really entails for the people going through it themselves. 

The Solution

We built a platform agnostic video plan, completely driven by our audience’s viewing behaviours, not by what the TV stations wanted us to buy. Taking this audience centric approach meant we didn’t fall into tired 50+, high net worth planning bear-traps - that this audience are too old for modern broadcast on-demand technology, avoid using online video platforms and prefer the theatre to the cinema. Instead, rigorous audience planning led to a plan consisting of linear TV, Cinema, Addressable BVoD and YouTube. 

The campaign was a huge success. Spontaneous awareness, measured via Savill’s brand tracker, peaked at 51%, up from 42% pre-campaign, which is the highest jump in this metric they’ve seen since the tracker began 5 years ago. 

Most importantly, 70% of the audience felt “much warmer” towards the brand, a huge improvement on previous campaigns and exactly the result they were looking for. 

Increase in Spontaneous Awareness
Increase in Organic Traffic
YoY Increase to Site Traffic


Moving Home And Moving On Up

How we helped Savills change the perception of what it means to move house through an emotional advert and clever media

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Bountiful Cow

[email protected]