
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Ambition

The US giant had been struggling to show up in Europe in a way that felt culturally relevant. A one-size-fits all approach was no longer fit for business.

The Unlock

Rather than impose a top down idea, we spent time with SMBs across Europe, getting to know what matters most in different communities, so Square could show up speaking their language.


Most successful EMEA launches. Surpassed all prior country KPIs for brand relevance, customer acquisition and transactional volumes

Launch in the UK

Square had long struggled to explain their suite of tools to UK SMBs and stand out amidst increasing competition with deep pockets.

We dug into what SMB's really wanted and found a way to make sense of their ecosystem with a touch of British humour, showing that Square can do ‘Everything your business needs. Almost.’

We launched with 2 films that demonstrated the power of the ecosystem and the message was amplified through impactful OOH, Digital, Social and print that used a visually compelling list format to highlight the power of Square’s ecosystem.

The campaign drove a 21% lift in prospective traffic, with the cheekiest lines driving the highest click-through.

Launch in Spain

Square was largely unknown in Spain - a market where sellers looking for payment solutions turn to banks first. Square needed to not only introduce itself to local sellers, but establish a strong sense of trust from the outset. 

To stand out from other solutions, we needed to position Square as more than payments - but a true partner to sellers, propelling them forward in the quickly digitizing Spanish economy.

“Para Los Que Hacen” (or “For the Doers”) rallied around local sellers in a big way. Square’s love letter of sorts to Spain’s businesses, the emotionally-resonant campaign celebrated sellers as the real heroes and true engine of Spain.

Expanded via OOH, digital, social.

The campaign not only drove strong awareness in the market (+6% in the first 9 months of the campaign going life) it propelled Spain to become Square’s market with the highest brand favorability in the world (87%). Best of all, we were able to use a brand campaign to fuel consideration - notably an 18% increase QoQ.

Launch in France

We built a long-lasting platform in France around the concept “C’est Carré”, linking the name of the brand (Square = Carré) to a widely used term in the business world (C’est carré = it’s working perfectly). The campaign was based on a strong design system, connecting the brand across TV, social and digital.


Square - Launching an unknown American tech brand across Europe

Launching an unknown American tech brand across Europe

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