Walkers team up with UK sandwich shops to create #CrispIN menu

The shops are part of the latest instalment of the #CrispIN #CrispOUT campaign

Georgie Moreton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


The age-old question of ‘crisps in or crisps out?’ was answered with a resounding ‘crisps in’ by sandwich shops up and down the UK, as part of a new campaign for Walkers crisps. 

The brand partnered with seven UK sandwich shops up and down the country to launch ‘Walkers Sandwich Shops’. Located in Brighton, Glasgow, Liverpool, London, Newcastle, Norwich and Reading, the shops featured a unique ‘#CrispIN Sandwich Menu’ of seven one-of-a-kind crisp sandwich creations. Each shop created its own bespoke serve, including one by London-based ‘sandwich guru’ and Max’s Sandwich Shop owner, Max Halley.

The ‘Walkers Sandwich Shops’ form the latest instalment of the ongoing #crispIN #crispOUT campaign which is a debate stoked by Walkers where the brand is asking audiences whether or not crisps should be enjoyed in or out of sandwiches. According to the brand’s own research, 98% of UK adults believe that crisps make sandwiches better, just over a third (34%) prefer crisps on the side but 27% prefer to eat theirs inside their sandwich.

For the first time, the debate also brings in a wider range of Walker’s snack brands with the #CrispIN Lunchtime Menu featuring sandwich combinations that include Quavers, Wotsits, French Fries and Monster Munch, as well as classic Walkers Crisps.

The Ultimate #CrispIN Sandwich Menu' included items such as ‘Max’s Mighty Monster Munch sandwich’, a Pickled-Onion-Monster-Munch-filled fish finger sandwich, with cabbage, chipotle mayonnaise and Pico De Gallo on Focaccia, created by Max Halley; ‘The BLC’, a crisp-filled twist on the BLT, featuring Bacon, Lettuce and Walkers Baked Sea Salt Crisps created by Logan’s Sandwich Shop in Norwich; and ‘The Chicken Tikka Wotsits Sandwich’ a Really-Cheesy-Wotsitsfilled twist on the classic chicken tikka, created by Enzo’s in Glasgow.

“These aren’t just Classic Walkers crisp sandwiches, we’re bringing in Walkers, Monster Munch, Quavers, Walkers French Fries and Wotsits, with a menu that takes crisp sandwiches to the next level. I urge any fellow fans – or even the #CrispOUT people yet to be converted – to head down to their nearest shop and give them a try. These creations might just change their mind! But if that isn’t possible, we’ve released the recipes, so that everyone can enjoy a taste of the action!” says ‘Sandwich King’ and owner of Max’s Sandwich Shop, Max Halley.

Audiences are encouraged to continue the debate on social and to have their say on whether they’re #CrispIN or #CrispOUT on Twitter. PR is being handled by Splendid Communications.

While the combinations might not be for everyone, the menu acts as the perfect talking point, stoking the fires of Walker’s hotly debated topic.


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