LEGO® - More Than Perfect


‘More Than Perfect’ tackles a deep-rooted universal truth holding back girls’ creativity the world over and celebrates how changes to our words can change girl’s futures by removing the pressure for perfection


Through the LEGO Group’s largest ever global study, we revealed that girls as young as five are having their creativity hampered by the pressure of perfection, while nearly two-thirds of girls say that the language they hear makes them worry about making mistakes


We released our research findings in an earned media blitz generating widespread media conversation globally, accompanied by an emotional film ‘More Than Perfect’ - exploring the effect that language can have on girls' creative confidence

Total Potential Reach
Potential Broadcast Reach
Global Articles


Not content with raising awareness of the problem, we developed a ‘10 Steps to Fostering Creative Confidence’ guide to equip parents with fun tips to support creative development.

Plus, to work towards systemic change, the LEGO Group and the LEGO Foundation partnered with Save the Children to directly support girls by setting up clubs and workshops.


Change our words, change girls’ worlds

‘More Than Perfect’ tackles a deep-rooted universal truth holding back girls’ creativity the world over and celebrates how changes to our words can change girl’s futures by removing the pressure for perfection

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