The Pitch Positive Pledge: Charlie Carpenter talks to Adweek

Charlie Carpenter
Creativebrief CEO, Charlie Carpenter, spoke to Adweek about the Pitch Positive Pledge launched by IPA and ISBA. He talks about the expectation of agency to sink weeks of resource, the unsustainable nature of the current process and that it doesn’t realistically emulate a real-life working relationship.
Agencies and Brands Promise to ‘Pitch Positive’ – What Now?
Amid a record period for ad spend, Carpenter has observed agencies struggling to respond to the sheer number of pitches being thrown their way. With agency budgets being slashed too, pitching has become a “zero-sum game.”
“We’ve now got to a point where things have to change because the agency business model cannot support it any longer,” he added. “The expectation agencies can continue to sink weeks of resource into these processes and give away free strategy and creative doesn’t add up any more.”