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The state of voice commerce right now

Gracie Page in Campaign on the current state of voice commerce.

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The age of synthetic content raises the trust bar yet again

David Beckham's Malaria No More campaign has raised fresh concerns around synthetic content. Digitas Chief Product Officer, Rafe Blandford, explores how brands can navigate this landscape.

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The smart home

Our innovation lead Gracie Page's thoughts in Campaign on silent brands deals and the future of British home life.

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The Kraft Heinz solution

VMLY&R CSO Sophie Lewis on how Kraft Heinz can turn its fortunes around after a dismal 2018.

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The truth about life after creative partnership

VMLY&R Chairman Mark Roalfe and Robert Campbell on life after a creative partnership comes to an end.

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Mobile World Congress 2019 industry analysis

Back from the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, our CSO Sophie Lewis shares her view on the advent of the foldable phone.

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The great Facebook messaging merger

Our innovation lead Gracie Page talks the Facebook messaging merger and the potential consequences for advertisers.

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Harsh Kapadia on the importance of 3%

VMLY&R Executive Creative Director Harsh Kapadia speaks on diversity, equality and being a 3% agency.

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From King Price to King David

Gas and electricity markets will be fundamentally transformed over the next five years. We can help to drive this transformation. If we care enough.

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The evolving dynamics of the direct-to-consumer market

Mahabis, the upmarket slipper maker and one time DTC (direct-to-consumer) poster child is in administration, but the brand began with a business model rather than a product, says David Carr, Strategy Director at Digitas. And other DTC brands are also feeling the pinch.

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Why The Birth Of Voice Doesn’t Mean The Death Of Advertising

In one of its periodic spasms of self-doubt, some sectors of the industry have been quick to hail the ascendancy of digital voice assistants, such as Amazon’s Alexa, as striking a death knell for brand advertising. Aside from the fact that these same voices are quick to consign tried and tested advertising techniques to the bin with each technological development (whilst consistently being proved wrong), in this instance their assumption may not just be incorrect but the opposite might be true.

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Warning: Natural May Be Bad For Your Marketing Health

What happens when a long standing marketing paradigm is undermined? Something so well established, we apply it without thinking; so incontrovertibly true, no one questions it. When it’s pointed out that naturally healthy dried fruit snacks are less good for you than a packet of sweets, and that a burger is healthier than a handmade baguette, we may be about to find out.

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Research by the Advertising Diversity Taskforce outlines why social mobility is vital for better representation in the industry.

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How marketers can better leverage the Amazon opportunity

David Carr, Strategy Director at Digitas, explores how Amazon is changing the face of marketing.

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We connect people and brands in a meaningful way. That’s why our 2019 Think Forward report unpicks the complex and ever shifting web of consumer identity online, and looks at the role brands play in reflecting and shaping it. We’ll arm you with everything you need to survive the current identity shifts on social media, from insights into raging culture and gender debates to the new rules of data. There’s even AI marketing and a robot influencer or two. Because if there’s one thing we’ve learned

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Brands' Permission to Speak 2019

Working with our partners Opinium and Pulsar, Splendid examines the role culture plays in modern marketing, the growing expectation that brands should have something to say about the world beyond their own products or services, and which topics they have permission to discuss.