
Toolstation creates ‘The World’s Most Supportive Poster’

Using Ocean Outdoor’s Liverpool Media Wall the campaign aims to encourage tradespeople to talk about mental health.

Georgie Moreton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Every day two tradespeople working in the construction industry take their own lives. A suicide rate which is three times higher than the national average, yet a problem that remains largely unknown. To raise awareness and tackle the stigma which still surrounds talking about your mental health, Toolstation and krow Group have launched a new out of home campaign offering support to tradespeople who are struggling with their mental wellbeing, ‘The World’s Most Supportive Poster’.

The campaign launched on March 21 and ran for seven days on Ocean Outdoor’s Liverpool Media Wall which is positioned directly opposite Liverpool Lime Street Station. The location was chosen in the hopes of capturing the attention of construction workers as they arrive in the city for work.

The campaign capitalises on Toolstation’s association with the Lighthouse Club charity whereby scanning the QR code on the billboard allows tradespeople to privately live chat with a trained expert from the charity within five minutes. The activation allows for easy, instant access to confidential expert advice on the topics that affect tradespeople such as money worries, work-life imbalance, insomnia or alcoholism.

Research commissioned by Toolstation through the ‘On The Tools’ network shows 72% of those who work in the construction industry feel there isn’t enough being done in the sector to address conversations surrounding mental health. A shocking 52% of those working in the industry have experienced suicidal thoughts and 23% of those know someone in the sector who has attempted suicide. Rotating copy on the billboard installation reinforces the message that open discourse and talking can help.

“Our research shows that there’s a mental health crisis in the construction industry with almost one in five knowing someone that has attempted to take their own life. Work in the sector is often characterised by limited term contracts and long unsociable hours, away from family. Those who work for smaller organisations or are sole traders in the construction industry might not have easy access to mental health support, so this campaign is an important first step in raising awareness that everyone in the industry can quickly talk with someone who can help.” explained Greg Richardson, Head of Marketing at Toolstation.

Although the conversations initiated by the QR code remain completely confidential, the Liverpool Media Wall will display what’s on the minds of local tradespeople. This level of visibility aims to help end the stigma around talking about mental health within the industry.

Receipts from Toolstation branches in the surrounding Liverpool area will also include a free 24/7 number for the Construction Industry Helpline which is managed and funded by the Lighthouse Club.

“This is a great initiative with clear messaging and an immediate call to action. Digital out of home is the perfect medium for this campaign by reaching tradespeople directly and immediately in the environment where they work.” added Ocean Outdoor head of marketing and events Helen Haines.

The World’s Most Supportive Poster was a winner in Ocean Outdoor’s annual digital creative competition which fosters and supports bold, original ideas in digital out of home (DOOH). Toolstation and krow Group were awarded third prize in the brand category.

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