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The Unstereotype Alliance tackles the toxic impact of being a bystander to stereotyping in a powerful new campaign
“If we want to eradicate stereotypes then we need to speak up.”
Aline Santos, Chief Brand Officer and Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Unilever is sharing the purpose of the Unstereotype Alliance’s landmark new campaign. She explains: “The purpose of this campaign is to encourage people to take action, and to not allow stereotypes to be a part of our lives anymore. We’re asking people across the world to unite with us on this mission, using the tools we have provided to start tackling stereotypes proactively and safely. Together our voices can make a monumental difference to breaking down stereotypes to create a more equitable world.”
The campaign marks the first consumer-facing advertising campaign for the industry-led coalition which is dedicated to eradicating harmful stereotypes in advertising.
Shattering stereotypes requires defiance.
Danai Gurira, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador
The campaign takes aim at bystanders who remain silent when they overhear harmful stereotypes. According to the Unstereotype Alliance, globally three in four (73%) people state they regularly see or hear stereotyping, yet only one in three (30%) will frequently say something to object to it happening.
The research underlines the toxic impact of being a bystander, revealing that half of people do not speak or disagree when they see someone using a negative stereotype because they do not want to escalate the situation. While two in five (41%) believe people do not speak up or disagree with the perpetrator because they do not know what to say, highlighting an education gap on how to take a constructive stand against stereotypes.
The research, conducted across Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, USA and UK, found that the stereotypes people experience most frequently are those of gender (57%), race and ethnicity (52%), sexual orientation (45%) and disability (45%).
While almost two-thirds (63%) of people believe that stereotyping has become a bigger problem in recent years. Despite this, the focus is only ever on the perpetrator and victim, and not on those who stayed silent and allowed stereotyping to happen.
The ‘Say Nothing, Change Nothing’ campaign is designed to break the silence and change consumer behaviour when it comes to challenging stereotyping. The campaign is spearheaded by star of the Black Panther movies, UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and long-time activist for women’s rights, Danai Gurira.
Gurira explained: “Shattering stereotypes requires defiance. It isn't always easy for people to speak out but, without change, damaging perspectives remain unchecked. We must all have the courage to stand up for what is right, and say something".
Stereotypes are rife the world over. They continue to stifle progress in every society, deny human rights, and diminish entire groups of people in ways that have real-life consequences.
Sara Denby, Head of the Unstereotype Alliance Secretariat
The campaign aims to raise awareness of the pervasive role harmful stereotypes play in society. The goal is to encourage conversation on the issue and provide people with resources and educational tools to proactively and safely take action. To this end, the organisation is launching Unstereotype 101, which explains how to safely confront stereotypes. It aims to help support people to become upstanders rather than bystanders, with three quick steps to standing up to stereotypes: Stop, See, Suggest.
Sara Denby, Head of the Unstereotype Alliance Secretariat at UN Women, explained: “For the past six years, the Unstereotype Alliance has united advertising industry leaders, decision-makers and creatives on a shared goal: to end harmful stereotypes in advertising. Despite the headway made across the industry, stereotypes are rife the world over. They continue to stifle progress in every society, deny human rights, and diminish entire groups of people in ways that have real-life consequences.”
She continued: “The launch of our Say Nothing, Change Nothing campaign aims to catalyse a positive movement against stereotypes. Collective action can help us drive the positive social change in society which is so desperately needed.”
Stereotyping happens around us every day. But we all have the power to change that - by using our voices.
Aline Santos, Chief Brand Officer and Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Unilever
The social-first campaign will focus on talking to Generation Z. According to the Unstereotype Alliance’s research two in five (44%) of 18 – 30-year-olds said they would refer to social media for more information on standing up against stereotypes.
The social media movement #IWishIHadSaid will be triggered by Danai Gurira, encouraging audiences to share their own experiences of stereotyping and the times they wish they had spoken up.
The campaign was produced in partnership with Unilever as a Vice Chair and co-champion of the Unstereotype Alliance. Aline Santos, Chief Brand Officer and Chief Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Unilever, added: “Stereotyping happens around us every day. But we all have the power to change that - by using our voices. The Say Nothing Change Nothing campaign highlights that it is everyone's responsibility to help stop the perpetuating cycle of stereotypes. By sharing practical tools and encouraging conversation around this topic, we can give people the confidence to move from being a bystander to becoming an upstander. Together our voices can make a monumental difference to breaking down stereotypes to create a more equitable world.”
The Unstereotype Alliance has also released three pieces of film: The Candidate, The Game and The Winner, which cover issues of stereotyping linked to race, gender and disability and adopt a creative effect of 'face-bombing’. In each scenario, a perpetrator inflicts a stereotype while a group of bystanders remain silent.
The moment the bystanders choose not to speak up against the stereotype, the face of the perpetrator is morphed onto each of their faces. A creative tactic designed to bring to life the uncomfortable truth that by staying silent people contribute to an environment in which stifling and damaging stereotypes can flourish.
The campaign is the latest move by the Unstereotype Alliance to bring to life the real-life harms caused by stereotypes which hold people back and stop people from achieving their full potential.
Stereotypes are particularly damaging for brands that risk alienating the very audiences they seek to connect with by diminishing them to a stereotype.
Last year the Unstereotype Alliance launched The Conversations for Change series, which ran on the Unstereotype Alliance YouTube channel, and tackles topics such as the importance of cultural nuance and dealing with backlash. The educational series features inclusive leaders from brands, alongside diversity, equity and inclusion experts from organisations and agencies.
To find out more about breaking stereotypes download the Unstereotype 101 guide here.
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