Vienna launches ‘The Blue Danube’ Waltz into space
Drawing inspiration from the Voyager Golden Records, the campaign celebrates Johann Strauss II’s 200th Birthday.
150 businesses from across the advertising and media sector have written to the government to request that taxis employees take home from work before 9pm are viewed as a legitimate business expense.
150 businesses from across the advertising and media sector have written to the government to request that taxis employees take home from work before 9pm are viewed as a legitimate business expense.
Currently, taxis employees take home from work after 9pm are viewed as a legitimate business expense. But taxis taken home from work before 9pm, regardless of context, are viewed as a taxable benefit.
As the letter to the government states: “Employers are currently disincentivised from keeping their employees safe before 9pm and employees are taxed if they try to look after themselves. In a country where it gets dark at 5pm for a third of the year, this seems unjustifiable.”
The letter, which was written by Dan Cullen-Shute, CEO of Creature and Paul Bainsfair, Director General at the IPA, explains: “It is clear that we all have an enormous amount of work to do to help build a safer world. As business leaders, we have an immediate responsibility to look after the people who work for us. As such, we are simply asking that HMRC changes its rules around taxis and makes it easier for us all to make sure our people get home safe.”
The letter continues: "We, along with most people, were deeply shocked and saddened by the tragic death of Sarah Everard, perhaps all the more so as she worked within our industry. Those horrific events felt very close to home.”
"There is clearly a vital conversation to be had around the behaviour of men, and the safety of women within society, and it’s a conversation in which we as an industry hope to play a positive part. In the short term, though, we have all been looking at ways in which we can ensure the safety of the people who work for us, and we are writing to ask for your help.”
It is a simple, practical step. Yet one which gives employers a necessary reminder of their responsibility to protect employees’ wellbeing. The past month has given many across the industry a view of the world that they had perhaps not considered before. It’s a vital moment not just to reflect but take action.
This campaign is a welcome reminder not just of the ability, but the genuine, heartfelt cross-industry desire to make meaningful change and ensure that women get home safely.
Violence against women and girls is everybody’s issue. With this in mind here are four key action points you can do today.
The voluntary coalition from across the industry is a vital resource which deserves your support to ensure the industry is a safe space for women and that sexual harassment is eradicated.
At a time when much of the industry is working from home the reminder that it gets dark at 5pm is an important moment to ensure to provide your employees with adequate time to get out of the house and exercise during daylight hours. Ensure your employees know they can get taxis when working late or attending industry events and make sure the mechanisms are in place so they can afford to do so. This is particularly crucial for junior employees.
Well-known high-street brands including Tesco, Asda and John Lewis have communicated the fact that their stores are ‘safe spaces’. This is not an issue that can be solved by advertising alone, but businesses have a legitimate role to play in the conversations happening up and down the country. Brands and businesses as employees and advertisers alike have a role to play in sharing the mental and physical load of violence against women and girls.
To support the campaign and become a signatory to the letter please visit the Get Home Safe website
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