
Calls to NABS soar amidst mental health crisis

NABS 2024 stats evidence the industry’s increasing emotional support needs.

Georgie Moreton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Emotional support including burnout, anxiety and stress topped the list of reasons for contacting advertising industry's wellbeing charity, NABS in 2024. 

The service saw an increase in demand with 22% more people calling than in 2023. Total number of calls to NABS soared to a record 5,200. 

Figures released by NABS evidence the mounting mental health crisis the industry faces and underlines the need for support for talent in the midst of socio-economic and geo-political unrest. Engagement with NABS’ overall provision has reached an all-time high and its services were used more than 14,000 times in 2024, supporting 3,000 people to advance their mental wellness.

People are experiencing extraordinary levels of uncertainty and change. Our industry wants to know how we can survive at this pace while still having a positive experience at work.

Sue Todd, CEO at NABS

People who made calls to NABS in 2024 reported feeling overwhelmed, unsupported or pushed to the brink of resigning or taking sick leave. 

“People are experiencing extraordinary levels of uncertainty and change. Our industry wants to know how we can survive at this pace while still having a positive experience at work. Now more than ever we all have to dig in to develop and support adland, to ensure that everybody who needs help can find a way forward,” says Sue Todd, CEO at NABS.

Redundancy is the second biggest reason for calling NABS and continues to be an area of increased growth. 39% more people contacted NABS for help in 2024 than in 2023, with downloads of NABS’ online redundancy guide rising by 15%. 

In an uncertain global economic climate, mounting pressures on the industry have led to continued job uncertainty. NABS vital services have never been more important. 

One in five callers to NABS in 2024 required specific mental health support and the charity referred 16% more callers for therapy than in 2023. This increase is indicative of increased awareness of NABS and its services among the industry community. 

Through engagement with the advertising community, NABS has worked to develop services that support, educate and nurture talent. A newly expanded range of workshops including the Mangers’ Mindset training proved popular in 2024, with a 42% uptick. 

“Our 2024 figures highlight the immense demand for NABS’ services within our industry. While we continue to innovate to meet this growing need, we cannot sustain our support without vital funding. We urge every business in the sector to step forward and contribute - your support enables us to keep uplifting the industry,” added Naren Patel, partner at OOH Capital, founder of MEFA, and chair of trustees at NABS.  


To find out more about NABS and its services, please click here.

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Mental Health