
The irresistible pursuit of goals

By Sebastian Weston

With the rise of new technology, our drive to achieve has taken new forms. Reaching goals is no longer just about the big things, like getting promoted or running a marathon. It’s now become a daily way of life,

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Escape the war room

By Kara Melchers

From elevating the voice of the LGBT+ community to a Halloween stunt and a chicken crisis, forget war, these tactical ideas are striving for peace, entertainment and a well-executed apology.

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Creativity gives sponsorship a kick

By Henry Chappell

In 2018, the World Cup proved once and for all that, if you want to reach huge audiences around huge global events, you really don’t need to pay rights holders a huge fee to become a sponsor.

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BITE Focus

2018 World Cup

By Izzy Ashton

We’ve taken a look at the best, and worst, brand campaigns from the tournament, including traditional ad campaigns, social media and even a seven-metre long tapestry.

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Safe Spaces

By David Sanger

The importance of space to the LGBT+ or any other community cannot be undervalued. Space can provide somewhere for conversation, for education and can be anywhere from a refuge to a home.

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BITE Focus

Cannes Lions 2018

By Kara Melchers

I know what you’re thinking, not another Cannes round-up, but don’t stop reading now. We’ve been super helpful and have pulled the most talked about work and key speakers into 5 useful trends that you can use for your own planning.

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The world is far from acceptance without exception

By Laura Jordan Bambach

When Stonewall launched their first new campaign in 10 years, it was to speak to the ‘silent majority’ and mobilise them to make us much noise as the haters, to become vocal allies in the fight for equality.

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BITE Focus

Nudgestock 2018

By Kara Melchers

From biomimicry to collective intelligence, the speakers at Nudgestock delivered a similar message, that the world as a whole is greater and more fascinating than the sum of its parts.

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BITE Focus

The power of print

By Izzy Ashton

While there is no question that print publications have been and still are struggling, the medium has still not lost its power to delight, shock and engage. What we are seeing is print finding a new relevance in a digital-first world.

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Maybe it's because I'm a Northerner

By Kara Melchers

Real-life, wherever you live, is worth talking about. We need to feature more regional accents, show the inside of more homes, and travel north of the M25.

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To see or not to see, that is the question

By Lou Garrod

Today we live in connectivity overdrive. We fail to notice what we see, moreover our brains are trained to shut down to messages if over exposed.

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Brand-made films

By Izzy Ashton

When brands create content that rivals that of streaming platforms, they can open up a new world of engagement, and of possibilities.

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Calm in the chaos

By Matt Buttrick

The band Blur once claimed that modern life is rubbish. But the real truth is that modern life is busy, switched on and more than a little stressful.

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BITE Focus

Let's go outside

By Kara Melchers

Outdoor ads morphing as we move through a city is a polarising thought. Face recognition and location tagging already make it possible for advertisers to know who and where we are.

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