
All made-up and nowhere to go? Re-imagining beauty beyond COVID-19

By Debbie Ellison

Debbie Ellison, Chief Digital Officer at Geometry UK chats to young shoppers to explore the impact that coronavirus has had on beauty commerce.

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Brands will gain from altruism now with Gen Alpha

By Amy Garrett

Amy Garrett, MD at Trouble explores the latest research from Beano Brain highlighting how Gen Alpha, those born after 2010, are coping under lockdown.

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Imagining a future without forecasting

By Fern Miller

Predicting what is going to happen next has never been more challenging, according to Fern Miller, Managing Consultant at Grey Consulting.

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How can brands better build emotional connections with consumers online?

By Ben Rachel

Ben Rachel, Founding Partner & Planning Director at Soul believes that brands need to change how they read the data customers give them.

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If your brand voice doesn’t work in a crisis, it doesn’t work

By Mike Reed

Mike Reed, Co-Founder & Creative Director at Reed Words examines the nature of communicating during a crisis, believing that if brands have something to say, even if it’s serious, they should do it in their own voice.

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Don’t care less, but do go further

By Alessandra Mariani

As the world considers a return to normality, Alessandra Mariani, Senior Strategist at FITCH writes that brands should shift from a focus on sentimentality to meaningful engagement.

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Showing up and contributing might be the best brand strategy for today, and that’s more than OK

By Maria Garrido

Being useful, being honest and being ethical remain the principles that drive a meaningful marketing practice as Maria Garrido, Chief Insights & Analytics Officer at Havas Group explores.

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Turning to value

By Simon Bell

Simon Bell, Managing Director of Just So explores the concept of a ‘value-turn’, examining what might happen next when it comes to brand behaviour.

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Out of touch: How to make emotional connections in the time of COVID-19

By Tom Poynter

Tom Poynter, MD of Southpaw on how brands can assert themselves thoughtfully and with relevance, using digital means, to support and emotionally connect with people in lockdown.

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Convenience, collaboration and COVID-19

By Louise Hart

Louise Hart, Senior Account Manager at bbd explores the growth of convenience and collaboration, hoping that 2020 will be seen as a time when society knitted itself back together.

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BITE Focus

Business unusual: The creative industries offer advice for operating through the COVID-19 pandemic

By Izzy Ashton

BITE’s guide to the best agency advice for navigating the Coronavirus crisis.

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BITE Focus


By Will Cole

Will Cole, Head of Sales & Marketing at WAA Chosen, is a born and bred Brummie; proud to be sharing a selection of the fantastic things that Birmingham and the wider region have to offer.

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BITE Focus

“It’s not about selling flights; it’s about being the light at the end of the runway.”

By Nicola Kemp

Brave and Flight Centre deliver a masterclass in marketing travel in a lockdown.

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Not your ‘normal’ Ramadan

By Shelina Janmohamed

This weekend, in addition to lockdown, Muslims will be embarking on Ramadan. Shelina Janmohamed, Vice President of Islamic Marketing at Ogilvy Consulting believes that brands that step up during this time will be remembered the most.

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