
Virgin Media O2 launches summer online safety campaign

Virgin Media O2 and Internet Matters spotlight the importance of having conversations about online safety and starting them early

Georgie Moreton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


With research finding that only 4 in 10 (42% of) parents speak to their children about how to stay safe online, a new campaign from Virgin Media O2 and Internet Matters spotlights the importance of having those all-important conversations and starting them early.

The campaign titled ‘Find the Right Words’ coincides with the start of the summer holidays, a time when many young people are more likely to be online. It aims to help parents and carers navigate difficult conversations, and encourages all parties to speak openly about their online concerns.

The campaign is made up of both awareness elements through films and creative executions, and action-based materials such as toolkits and guides to provide practical, actionable advice.

A hero film spotlights the harrowing impact that online hate and abuse can have on teenagers and those even younger, reminding audiences that children are online and exposed to danger much earlier than we might think.

The film, created by Film Punks and directed by the Nott Brothers (Nathan Miller and Mark Danciger), follows the lives of Anika, who appears to be a 17-year-old, and her mum, Shanti. As Anika becomes more and more engaged with her online life, her relationship with her mum becomes distant and strained.

Through subtle facial expressions of concern, audiences can see that the online world she is interacting in is causing her distress. When Anika finally comes to her mum for help and advice, the camera pans to show that she is much younger than she first appeared to be, emphasising that young children are getting exposed to disturbing content online. The film’s message is that it’s never too early to talk to children about online safety.

To maximise awareness, the film is being made available as on-demand content on Virgin TV and will be shown on Channel 100 across the summer. It will also be shared via social media, customer newsletters and online, via paid social media from Virgin Media O2’s social media accounts. 

Supplement to the film, Virgin Media O2 and Internet Matters have created a series of practical guides and resources that parents and carers can access to help make their children safer online, in partnership with leading charities, Action for Children and Good Things Foundation.

“We’re proudly partnering with online safety experts, Internet Matters, and leading charities, Action for Children, and Good Things Foundation, to create a campaign that resonates with and reaches parents and carers across the UK” says Nicola Green, Chief Communications and Corporate Affairs Officer at Virgin Media O2.

The guides provide advice for adults on how to have conversations with children and young people, and include information about safety tools and controls. They are available through a new dedicated internet safety page on the Virgin Media O2 website.

Both charities will use their own platforms to share the content and extend the reach of the campaign. Action for Children will share the content through its award-winning Parent Talk platform while Good Things Foundation will share the resources via their National Digital Inclusion Network.

The campaign is part of Virgin Media O2’s sustainability strategy, the Better Connections Plan, and the company’s aim to improve the digital skills of six million people by the end of 2025.

As parents and carers prepare to tackle the summer holidays, Virgin Media O2’s 'Find the Right Words' campaign eases the pressure and provides adults with reassurance and practical, actionable advice to help create a safer online world for their loved ones.

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