
Social media apps lose their cool as safety concerns rise

Beano Brain’s 100 Coolest Brands reveals that while Crocs are on the up, social media apps are slipping down the table

Nicola Kemp

Editorial Director Creativebrief


Social media apps are seeing their popularity slip amongst young people as safety concerns

As the campaign for a smartphone free childhood continues to gain momentum, a study of the 100 Coolest Brands for Kids & Teens unveiled today by Beano Brain, reveals that social media apps saw their popularity slip amongst young people.

All major brands dropped down the chart, including TikTok which fell 7 places to 28, Whatsapp which declined 8 places to 38, Snapchat, which dropped 3 places to 40 and Instagram, which slumped 11 spots to 66.

However, YouTube regained its number one spot in the rankings, leapfrogging Netflix. A rise that Beano Brain attributes to its relatively safe and useful content. The team also credited the brand for its breadth of content and its successful mixture of long and short-form videos that allow kids to dip in and out for as long as they like.

Helenor Gilmour, Director of Strategy Beano Brain, explained: “Kids consider YouTube ‘safe’; a place where they’re less likely to stumble across upsetting or inappropriate content, unlike TikTok. Having successfully positioned music and TV within its proposition, YouTube has ensured it’s the one-stop-shop for this generation.

She continued: “YouTube is seen as the platform where kids find experts and learn from them or find help with their homework. As a result of its safe reputation, educational content and extensive library, YouTube has managed to gain something every brand covets: parental approval.”

As a result of its safe reputation, educational content and extensive library, YouTube has managed to gain something every brand covets: parental approval.

Helenor Gilmour, Director of Strategy Beano Brain

The power of treats

Food and drink brands dominate the list, accounting for 50% of the top 20. McDonalds, Oreo and Pringles all made the top 10. According to Beano Brain kids value these products in themselves, but also because they are very closely associated with treats and fun family time.

The rise of the Crocs

This year's biggest riser was shoe brand Crocs, once beloved by ageing gardeners and now embraced by young people. The shoe brand rose 35 places in the rankings to number 49.

Often unfeasibly large collectable plush toy brand Squishmallows was the second higher riser in the charts, leaping 29 places to break into the top 20 at number 18.

Lego just nudged into the top 10 at number 10, replacing Coca Cola, which declined 4 places to 14. The toy brand has cemented its place in popular culture with collaborations with the likes of Minecraft.

There are no UK brands in the top 30, with high-street baker Greggs being the highest ranked UK brand at 31, an increase in 2 places from last year.

New entrants to the list included Superdrug at 98, Boots at 91, Uno at 46, Subway Surfers at 52, EA Sports at 65, Samsung at 53, Pandora at 78, Poundland at 80 and Taco Bell at 87.

Pete Maginn, Managing Director of Commercial Insight at Beano Brain, added: “Brands that have responded to the cost of living crisis, from saver menus to free access to content and that have leaned into family sharing opportunities have done well.”

He continued: “McDonald's, a 50-year-old familiar, tried and tested brand and Squishmallows a relatively new, all-year round play brand, both showed an intelligent understanding of kids’ worlds and the attributes which make them cool in their eyes. Cracking inter-generational enjoyment and appeal should be a top priority for brands.”

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