
Small talk, big impact

By Pascal Rotteveel

Pascal Rotteveel, Executive Creative Director, Western Europe at VIRTUE introduces a new digital app designed to recreate random moments of office social interaction to maintain company culture.

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Consumer movements leaving 2020 behind

By Mordecai

The innovation leader Mordecai explores how marketers and consumers alike have pivoted to an ever-changing world.

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The big brand reset: Ignore DTC at your peril

By Chris Gokiert

Chris Gokiert, CEO at Critical Mass highlights the importance of DTC for every brand and why there needs to be a reconstruction of the brand ecosystem around the customer.

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Why 2021 is the year for sonic branding

By Paul Reynolds

Paul Reynolds, Managing Director at MassiveMusic on the power of a brand’s sonic identity and why it is no longer just a nice-to-have.

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The year that was in influencer marketing: How brands battled with diversity and inclusion, micro influencers and TikTok

By Charlotte Williams

Charlotte Williams, Founder of SevenSix Agency on the importance of creating room for change when it comes to the influencers brands choose to work with.

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Living with dementia: In plain sight, but unseen

By Hamzah Selim

A new campaign from Mindset4Dementia reflects the experience of people living with dementia, often in plain sight, but unseen. Hamzah Selim, Founder of Mindset4Dementia is out to change that.

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Where do cavemen shop in a pandemic?

By Ella Goldwater

Ella Goldwater, Account Executive at The 10 Group, explores how consumers shifting motives are being affected by COVID-19, and how brands can, and should, react to this change.

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Why brand owners need to engage with the Engagement Economy

By Chris West

Chris West, CEO of Verbal Identity on the importance of taking a real look at your brand language to develop a full verbal identity.

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Is AI the problem and the cure to empowering women in the workplace?

By Vee Lockey

Technology simply plays the role we give it, so why not use it instead for good, to empower women and help reduce inequality, writes Vee Lockey, Strategist at AnalogFolk.

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If 2021 were a colour

By Flo Lau

Flo Lau, Creative Director at Shutterstock, delves into 2021’s top trending colours and their use in marketing material to increase brand engagement.

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Beyond the TV ad: How brands can sprinkle holiday magic throughout their marketing campaigns

By Tamara Littleton

By tuning into consumer sentiment, brands can forge real, human relationships that last beyond the festive season, writes Tamara Littleton, CEO of The Social Element.

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Creating brand awareness and looking beyond 2020

By Scott Room

Scott Room, Director of Brand and Digital, Openreach on the power of connectivity and the work Openreach is doing to drive the UK’s digital future and growth.

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The gift that keeps on giving: How everywhere commerce is fuelling holiday shopping and beyond

By Julia Fontaine

Julia Fontaine, SVP Growth at MediaMonks London on the new user behaviours suggesting a shift in shopping mindset and how brands can connect with audiences through differentiated digital experiences.

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What next for the creative industry? Creative growth through agile thinking and soulful tech

By Nicky Badenoch

Nicky Badenoch, Co-Founder and CMO of GENIE on why businesses should be using respectful technology to supercharge their talent networks.

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