
How COVID has made fitness more accessible to Muslim women

By Arif Miah

Arif Miah, Creative Strategy Director at mud orange introduces a new survey that explores how the pandemic has helped to increase health and fitness digital options for British Muslim women.

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Spotify’s competitors are now Peloton and TikTok: Why brands must look out of sector to stay ahead of the curve

By Paul Reynolds

Paul Reynolds, Managing Director and Partner at MassiveMusic, looks at the importance of music in building connections with audiences and why Spotify needs to be wary of new challengers.

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A human-centric conscious agenda will be a must-have for any brand

By Sairah Ashman

Sairah Ashman, Global CEO at Wolff Olins, sets out what it means to be a Conscious Brand and shares the lessons learnt from senior marketing leaders at a recent event.

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Adapt or die: How Gen Z are leading a revolution in physical retail

By George Gottl

George Gottl, Chief Creative Officer & Co-Founder of UXUS highlights the importance of blending both physical and digital experiences for the next generation of shoppers.

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The future of talent

By Jon Williams

Jon Williams, CEO of The Liberty Guild highlights how technology is changing the game for good when it comes to the rise of independent creative talent.

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Leading from the front: The rise of the founder-led brand

By Stuart Lang

Stuart Lang, Founder & Creative Director at We Launch explores how the pandemic may have been a trigger rather than roadblock to getting fresh business ideas to market.

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The power of podcasts

By Anna Parker-Naples

The business coach and podcast host Anna Parker-Naples highlights how valuable a marketing asset podcasts can be to drive loyalty and elevate status.

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Telling stories on social media

By Emma Chaplin

Emma Chaplin, Senior Insight Executive at IMA on the power of storytelling to add entertainment and keep people engaged, offering a reminder that variety really is the spice of life.

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Rethinking creativity for an ad-funded streaming world

By Dave Day

Dave Day, Executive Creative Director at Crispin Porter Bogusky London explores the shift from linear to streaming TV, and the creative opportunities that offers.

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Gaming’s bright future: An untapped opportunity for brands

By Kris Jalowiecki

Kris Jalowiecki and Martin Wolsgaard, Strategists at VIRTUE explore the untapped potential sitting at the intersection of gaming and education for brands.

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I think you need to see a specialist

By Tony Quinn

Tony Quinn, Chief Strategy Officer at BBD Perfect Storm introduces the agency’s new offering Perfect Storm Health and explains why being a specialist in purpose has never been more important.

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Why retailers shouldn’t be scared to face up to bigots: Lessons from Gravy Song

By Olivia Stancombe

Olivia Stancombe, Senior Strategist at Forever Beta on why it’s time brands recognised the power of their platform and start to act as conscientious members of modern society.

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Life insurance for the YOLO generation

By Andrew Gibson

Andrew Gibson, Chief Strategy Officer at Creature introduces the agency’s latest work for Beagle Street and explores the evolution of a sector for the ‘adulting’ generation.

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The rules have changed: The future of creative design in an unfamiliar landscape

By Abbie Walsh

Abbie Walsh, Chief Design Officer at Accenture Interactive unpacks the 2021 Fjord Trends report highlighting the challenges and opportunities that all businesses will likely face in the coming year.

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