
Diary of a start-up: the human side of starting an agency

Al Fayolle, Founder and Chief Executive, gives insight into the more personal impacts of setting up an agency

Al Fayolle

Founder and Chief Executive Fearless Union


Launching an agency at any point is a huge, scary, exciting and potentially life-changing step. This is especially true in the current market. The team at Fearless Union needed to truly live up to and embody their name when starting their new creative agency. Al Fayolle, Founder and Chief Executive, gives insight into the more personal impacts of setting up an agency.


In the first two instalments of this series, I talked about the more practical aspects of starting up. For this piece, I thought it would be interesting to reflect on the more human or personal side of things.

For me, a central theme and major contributing factor to a successful first year has been self-awareness. Personal qualities like commitment and drive are absolutely critical to success.  But there is some soul-searching to be done; you have to ask yourself repeatedly if you have the skills, experience and personal qualities to make shit happen. This isn't for everyone. I was lucky enough to start up with a group of outstanding partners; a proven cohesive team with complementary skills. I’ll say it as it is: mine are partners that bring skills and experience I just don’t have. Some people can do it alone and kudos to them. For me, the most important acknowledgement to make is that our business is stronger as a team and that having a vested team in place from the get-go led to faster growth.

Beyond that, in a new venture, I believe self-awareness is particularly important for the following reasons.

If others are better than you at something, let them crack on; empower them.

Al Fayolle, Founder and Chief Executive, Fearless Union

Adaptability and Agility: In fast-paced and sometimes uncertain environments, team members can quickly recognise when things aren't working and make adjustments. This agility is crucial for success in the early stages. We made huge unexpected adjustments in the first three months, including unexpected hires, loss of a potential investor, and we completely changed our growth strategy. And all of this in quick succession. And all of which worked out for the best.

Team Cohesion: In a startup team dynamics are critical. Self-awareness helps founders and employees understand their roles within the team, foster strong relationships, and create a collaborative culture. For me stepping back at times and allowing other people the space to shine has been a major adjustment.

Problem Solving and Creativity: Self-awareness encourages an open-minded approach to problem-solving. Recognising personal limitations can drive a culture of seeking diverse perspectives and creative solutions to business challenges. If others are better than you at something, let them crack on; empower them.

Leadership Development: In startups, founders often transition into leadership roles without prior experience. Self-awareness helps them recognise areas for improvement, seek mentorship, and develop the necessary skills to lead more effectively. The learning never stops and that’s half the fun.

Stress Management: Startups can be high-pressure environments. Self-aware individuals talk about it, they better manage their stress levels, maintain mental well-being, and avoid burnout, which is crucial for sustained productivity and morale.

Building a Strong Culture: The culture in a startup is often set by its founders. Self-aware leaders can model the behaviour and values they want to see in their company, fostering a positive and productive organisational culture.

Self-awareness in a startup helps in navigating the unique challenges of building a business from the ground up, leading to better decision-making, stronger team dynamics, and ultimately, a higher chance of success

Guest Author

Al Fayolle

Founder and Chief Executive Fearless Union


Alan is a dynamic, results driven business leader and marketeer with 20+ years’ experienced in client leadership roles across globally recognised creative agencies and start-ups; transforming and accelerating growth for some of the world’s biggest brands including Google, Amazon and O2. He has a track record of consistently converting new business and delivering growth. He is the founder of creative agency Fearless Union, prior to this he was the MD at Forever Beta, and worked at BD Network, Bates and VCCP.

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