Thought Leadership

BITE LIVE TRENDS: Issue 3, October 2019

This dedicated trend report wraps up the key themes, learnings and actionable insights from #BITELIVE19 our flagship event, which this year was focused on Making Culture, Breaking Stereotypes.

Nicola Kemp

Editorial Director Creativebrief


Published every quarter, Issue 3 is a dedicated Trend Report offering you a taste of the key themes, learning and actionable insights from #BITELIVE19 our flagship event. The report includes an all-star panel of agency leaders and brand marketers smashing stereotypes across the industry as well an interview with the incomparable Caroline Casey, Founder of The Valuable 500, asking business leaders to include disability on their board agendas.

We also explored Guinness’ powerful new campaign from AMV BBDO, ‘Liberty Fields’ while Havas London and Ella's Kitchen examined the world of B Corp and Campaign Against Living Miserably’s CEO Simon Gunning put the role of purpose in marketing under the spotlight.

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