Thought Leadership

BITE X Brixton Finishing School Roundup

Listen and learn from the Brixton Finishing School alumni

Georgie Moreton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


In an industry that can so often lose sight of the bigger picture, taking time to listen and learn from one another helps to remind us of the industry’s value and ability to drive change.

This year BITE and Brixton Finishing School worked together to share fresh perspectives to encourage active listening. A partnership designed to remind the industry of the importance of learning at every level. 

Brixton Finishing School and The ADcademy, serve to help level the playing field and create new opportunities for underrepresented talent. The programmes train and support talent from communities underserved by employers into a wide spectrum of entry-level roles at brands, agencies, technology companies and media owners. Working across the advertising industry and beyond, one of the program's missions is to have its first CEO from its placement process.

In a wide-ranging series, alumni shared their fresh perspectives, offering insight into how to create a more inclusive workplace where diverse talent and genre-defining work can thrive. Their insights underline the importance of driving a new era of inclusivity. Through sharing in the success of others and in changing the workplace to suit the needs of talent the industry can help level the playing field. For in an industry in which people are the greatest resource, listening and learning from others offers an opportunity to create more meaningful positive change.

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