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Future proofing in-house PR teams
Three years ago, 3 Monkeys Zeno (3MZ) partnered with PRmoment to conduct qualitative and quantitative research across senior in-house communications leaders. Our aim was to gain intel and insight into how these sector leaders were adapting to the ever-changing world of PR and comms. What new demands were being made of them? How were they working with consultancies and agencies to support them? In terms of their recruitment, what new skills were they seeking? Was their scope of work increasing or decreasing? How were they regarded internally – did they have a seat at the boardroom table or were they still perceived as the poor cousin of other marketing disciplines?
The findings were significant enough for us to want to revisit this research in 2017. They are discussed in this report. The report examines an in-house PR team's journey from a department with a focus almost entirely on media relations, to one which now has hundreds of channels and platforms to communicate through.
Sarah Ogden, Head of Corporate & Business, 3 Monkeys | Zeno
Howard Jones, Head of Comms, EE
Simon Bristow, Global PR Director, adidas
Key take outs:
Research showed that the trend towards integrated campaigns means that the organisational structure of companies is likely to become more of a matrix, with decreasing barriers between departments.
Collaboration between marketing and PR departments is key. The move to an overall brand communications strategy means creative ideas are not the exclusive domain of advertising people and ideas require collaboration to execute.
The benefits of an agency relationship remain as robust as ever. The need for an out-of-organisation perspective scrubs strategy; content creation and activation is critical.
For inhouse teams, one of the challenges is the number of skills that are now required. Digital, and the variety of channels and content required, means where there's a gap in network or expertise, agencies are indispensable in filling those gaps. But in turn, the agencies must have a vested interest in the outcomes and the impact of their recommendations to determine the value that they bring.
Download the report here
Tiffany King, Marketing Assistant, 3 Monkeys | Zeno, [email protected]
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