‘Happy mum means happy baby’
The Liberty Guild’s Aimee Luther on managing motherhood and work.
"It’s a tough world in entrepreneurship. You will keep failing at things in order to grow and strengthen your business. You will hear a lot of no’s to start with. Learn how to listen, to your customers and data."
It’s intriguing when the founder of a beauty app reveals that she isn’t really that passionate about beauty. For Rhea Papanicolaou-Frangista, the founder and CEO of Prettly, her focus has always been on convenience and ease. So, she designed the app and website to allow you to book beauty treatments at home. She says the idea came to her in “an ah-ha moment” as she was booking a freelance therapist for a manicure at home. She wanted to bring this ease to other women in London.
Growing up in Athens, Papanicolaou-Frangista says, attitudes to beauty were different because people didn’t think twice about calling a beauty therapist round to their house. She was unsure why the same didn’t apply in London especially, she says, when “if you work, if you’re a student, a mum, it’s quite hard to fit those [beauty] things into your schedule”.
From the early days we were focused on the brand and what that would look like because we don’t actually have a physical product.
Rhea Papanicolaou-Frangista
Having always had a passion for both technology and the arts, Papanicolaou-Frangista was also “a big fan of convenient and easy solutions to life’s problems.” And when she was both planning a wedding and graduating from her MBA at the London Business School, she was in real need of convenience.
Papanicolaou-Frangista built Prettly’s first website herself using her “affinity towards beautiful design. From the early days we were focused on the brand and what that would look like because we don’t actually have a physical product.” She reveals that the most exciting and proudest moment for her was when the first complete stranger booked an appointment.
Like a lot of young mothers, I also work and I think a lot of women in this position often feel more guilty than they do proud because you always feel you’re underperforming, both at home and at work. It’s been a journey trying to feel more confident about that.
Rhea Papanicolaou-Frangista
While maintaining her interest in the arts, Papanicolaou-Frangista is also a passionate reader and is currently making her way through Michelle Obama’s autobiography. She says she’s enjoying it, especially as she is herself a young working mother with two children. Having launched Prettly just a month before her first child was born, she says, “like a lot of young mothers, I also work and I think a lot of women in this position often feel more guilty than they do proud because you always feel you’re underperforming, both at home and at work. So, it’s been a journey trying to feel more confident about that”.
The premise of the business is simple: to make the lives of busy women easier by delivering beauty services on the go, to the location of their choice. It’s a business model that people are very familiar with.
Rhea Papanicolaou-Frangista
We have actively thought about our brand from day one, who we are, what we stand for, how we position ourselves in the market and how our services are relevant to our audiences.
Rhea Papanicolaou-Frangista
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