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Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


venturethree rebrands Trustpilot

How do you build a brand that doesn't belong to you?

Disciplines: Brand strategy, Branding / design, Customer experience

Sector: Online/E-commerce

Agency: venturethree rebrands Trustpilot, venturethree

BITE Insight

Trust has taken centre stage across every part of society in recent months and years, whether it’s between neighbours, consumers and marketers or a government and its people. The internet has played a huge role in how we trust, with consumers often choosing to align themselves with their peers over companies and corporations.

Venturethree worked with Trustpilot, an online review website, to rebrand the company with a new logo, visual identity and set of films. The difficulty was, how do you build a brand that doesn’t belong to you?

Trustpilot is a business which collates and posts peer to peer reviews for over 200,000 companies. Today this is how how consumers are aligning themselves with brands and companies, choosing to rely on reviews from their friends and trusted online acquaintances to make purchasing decisions. Brands are recognising this and so are looking to websites like Trustpilot to garner honest reviews, both good and bad, to allow for both engagement and improvement.

The graphic, pastel hued videos showcase the reviews and the stars that were given for certain transactions, from a mattress purchase to a delivery experience and money transfer.

The new branding was designed to make the company feel more transparent, in-line with its overall values. The single turquoise star replaces the collection of stars previously used. The logo is discreet so as to not distract from the businesses featured on the website, taking Trustpilot from a “customer feedback tool” to a “platform for progress”.

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