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Grey London


Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


However You Feel - Alive

No matter what you are experiencing or listening to, emotional moments are intensified with Bose.

Disciplines: Advertising/Creative

Sector: Consumer Electronics

Agency: However You Feel - Alive, Grey London

BITE Insight

Music is arguably one of the most powerful ways we can alter our mood or feelings. It can take you straight back to a moment, a person, a memory. It helps you to remove yourself from a moment, or dive more deeply into one.

Bose’s integrated campaign with Grey London, However You Feel, focuses on the power that music and the latest Bose QC35 II headphones have to elevate you, whatever you’re feeling.

The four 30-second TV slots titled Alive, Bliss, Young and Hope focus on the personal response each person gets to the music, depending on the moment they’re living through. There’s a young boy on his way back from the school dance, a much coveted kiss planted on his cheek; an exhausted ballet dancer taking a moment during rehearsal; and a young man happily playing hopscotch in the street.

Although a personal moment, none of the subjects of the ads are disconnected from their world; they have simply amplified their feelings through the particular song that they have chosen. The music need not mean anything to anyone else; it only has to matter to the listener.

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technology Music