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The Gate London

The Electoral Commission

Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Got 5?

Get people to register to vote by making it seem like a much easier thing to do than people perceive

Disciplines: Advertising/Creative, Integrated marketing, Media planning & buying

Sector: Public Sector

Agency: Got 5?, The Gate London

BITE Insight

What do you do when you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, the bath to run or your wash to finish? Do you scroll through Instagram, stare aimlessly into space or sneak a quick snack from the kitchen?

It’s this often wasted, precious time that the Gate London and the Electoral Commission want people to reclaim. If you’ve Got 5?, you could use those minutes to register to vote. The aim of the campaign is to make the registering process seem easier than people perceive.

The integrated campaign launched ahead of this year’s local elections taking place in May, highlighting to voters how quick and simple it is to register. Got 5? sees ‘living photographs’ of relatable, mundane and everyday scenarios taking place, overlaid with a voice that encourages the public to unlock their vote.

2017 saw an unprecedented number of voters registering in the run up to the general election. But the Electoral Commission want to ensure that those individuals who haven’t yet registered or who have recently moved house, exercise their democratic right to vote. Because, you’re vote matters and, at some point today, you will have a spare five minutes.

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