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The Corner


Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


Oasis Togetherness

Why should we rely on experts to unite people, when a fruity drinks brand can do a better job?

Disciplines: Advertising/Creative

Sector: Food & Drink

Agency: Oasis Togetherness, The Corner

BITE Insight

There is no doubt that purpose matters. It’s important and it’s what consumers want to see more of from brands. But sometimes, it can feel like the purpose has been crowbarred into a campaign where it perhaps shouldn’t have been in the first place.

The Corner worked with Oasis to create Togetherness, a campaign video that opens with the line, “Everyone is different. But can we rely on experts to unite people when a fruity drinks brand could obviously do a better job?” We then see strangers led into a room with one another to try and solve a problem: how can they both drink from the double-ended Oasis bottle?

The humorous, cynical slot parodies the purposeful ads that we have seen from every corner, sector and industry over the last few years, specifically following a similar line to Heineken’s World’s Apart. Togetherness examines the perils of purpose that is used to drive sales alone, rather than that which embodies a brand’s ideals.

From football fans of opposing teams to a hipster paired with a suited man, we see the couples awkwardly greet each other before realising they have to drink out of a bottle with a neck at both ends. What ensues is of course a heart-warming clip of each couple struggling but inevitably succeeding in their efforts. As the voiceover closes, “harmony, just a few billion sales away”.

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