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Deloitte Digital

Izzy Ashton

Deputy Editor, BITE Creativebrief


ACNE - Deloitte Digital - Diversify Your Feed

ACNE and Deloitte Digital Empower Balance Of The Sexes With Twitter Plugin #DiversifyYourFeed

A Twitter plugin that empowers you to embrace the positive benefits of diversity on your feed

Disciplines: Digital

Sector: Technology

Agency: ACNE and Deloitte Digital Empower Balance Of The Sexes With Twitter Plugin #DiversifyYourFeed, ACNE

BITE Insight

Our online, social worlds are ones of our own creation, often leading us to feel that we are looking at and hearing from people who think just like us. We are constantly told that what we see on our social media feeds directly affects us, and that includes the opinions we foster and then project out into the world. But how can we form well rounded viewpoints if we’re only listening to people like us?

ACNE worked with Deloitte Digital to create the Twitter plugin #DiversifyYourFeed that empowers you to embrace the positive effects of gender diversity on your feed. The plug-in helps to make your social feed more gender equal, with the aim to eventually expand it to religion, ethnicity, sexuality and politics. There are also plans to adapt the plugin for other social media platforms like Instagram and LinkedIn.

The plugin analyses your data, works out the imbalance and then suggests other people for you to follow. It is working to amplify voices that are often silenced in the space where this so frequently occurs: online.

The partnership’s belief is that, if you diversify your feed, you do the same for your thought process, something that is essential in both the online and real worlds. As the page says, “Studies show that ‘social exploration’, access to a broad range of views, is the key to smarter decision making”. And why wouldn’t we all want that?

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technology Diversity