Fuel Your Imagination

A collaboration of creatives launches inclusive Valentine’s Day cards

By Izzy Ashton

While it might be sickly for some, or sheer marketing commodity for others; Valentine’s Day is also a chance for people to show their love, in whatever shape or form that takes.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Guerrilla posters tell migrant’s stories from Calais

By Izzy Ashton

The Conversations from Calais project is capturing conversations that would otherwise go unheard; giving a voice to people who, more often than not, aren’t given the space to have one.

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Fuel Your Imagination

LEGO launches its new product in the house that kids built

By Izzy Ashton

In a digitally driven ecosystem, connection in the real world has become an increasingly important way to build meaningful connections with distracted consumers.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Sainsbury’s show Beyoncé who The Original really is

By Izzy Ashton

Sainsbury’s response to Beyoncé’s launch of her new collection for Ivy Park in collaboration with adidas is a marketing moment to celebrate.

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Fuel Your Imagination

The new nostalgia: Why brands are embracing the roaring twenties

By Nicola Kemp

As a new decade dawns, a fresh aesthetic of nostalgia is emerging according to Shutterstock’s annual Creative Trends Report.

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Fuel Your Imagination

UNILAD opens the Illegal Blood Bank to highlight outdated UK legislation

By Izzy Ashton

The Illegal Blood Bank is a marker of how far we still have to go when it comes to overturning historic discriminatory laws and legislation against different communities.

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Fuel Your Imagination

NatWest donates advertising spend to women-founded start-ups

By Izzy Ashton

As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words. In NatWest’s case, they aren’t just talking about how they believe in female-led businesses; they are developing schemes to actually help them.

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Fuel Your Imagination

ESCADA invites successful women to share their experiences

By Izzy Ashton

At a time when what constitutes success is fundamentally shifting, how brands represent aspiration, particularly when targeting women, is in flux.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Deliveroo is proud to be the UK’s second best delivery service

By Izzy Ashton

Deliveroo's first Christmas campaign pays tribute to the 20,000 midwives working across the country throughout the festive season to deliver the most precious of cargos.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Coca Cola and Stonewall roll out the welcome mat to inclusivity

By Nicola Kemp

Coca-Cola’s latest activation with the Premier League and Stonewall signals a new, inclusive era for sports sponsorship.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Shutterstock reveals its 2020 Colour Trends report

By Izzy Ashton

While outlining the nature of each shade, Shutterstock also detailed the impact each can have for marketers, forecasting their potential use for the year to come.

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Fuel Your Imagination

CALM launch #YuleSlog to combat loneliness this Christmas

By Izzy Ashton

One of the main causes of stress and discomfort at this time of year is around the pressure to have the ‘perfect’ Christmas. CALM & Twitter want to get people talking about the realities that surround the festive season.

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Fuel Your Imagination

How King of Shaves and Beauty Banks brought purpose to the Black Friday frenzy

By Nicola Kemp

By choosing purpose over short-term profit, King of Shaves is successfully cutting through the noise, providing consumers with a thoughtful alternative to the traditional Black Friday binge.

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Fuel Your Imagination

Glossier brings the experience economy to life with pop-up in London’s Covent Garden

By Izzy Ashton

Experiential marketing affords online-only brands such as Glossier the ability to forge more emotional relationships with consumers.

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