Fuel Your Imagination

Bella Italia’s ‘Feel Bella’ serves up joy

The campaign cuts through a saturated market by focusing on the simple pleasures food can bring

Jeevan Georgina Hammond

Editorial Assistant Creativebrief


Bella Italia, a UK-based restaurant chain, brings joy to the public with its ‘Feel Bella’ campaign executed by agency, Defiant. A series of out of home images and social media activations encourage consumers to feel better with the help of good food.

The campaign kicked off in August and will run until mid-September. It is the first activation for the brand’s new ‘Feel Bella’ platform and comes from the insight that Brits are stressed out.

Will Poskett, Founder of Defiant, explains: “The uncomfortable truth is many Brits are more stressed than ever, thanks to a myriad of factors, from longer working hours to a cost of living crisis. Our campaign looks to position Bella as the perfect antidote to this and become the brand that can truly help the nation ‘Feel Bella’.”

Attempting to cut through a saturated restaurant market and bring consumers some much-deserved joy, the creative features eye-catching images of diners getting up close and personal with their food alongside humorous copy. One iteration features a lady hugging a melting gelato, another shows a man lying down for a rest on a slice of pizza.

Bella OOH D6_Meatball.jpg
Bella OOH D6_Moz.jpg

Speaking on the campaign, Megan Trimble, Marketing Director at Bella Italia, said: “We have always been masters at creating great quality, comforting food that helps anyone feel a little better when they dine with us. Our new campaign brings this truth to life like never before, in a brilliantly bold & joyful manner”.

Simple but effective, ‘Feel Bella’ positions Bella Italia, as a source of joy and encourages audiences to find pleasure in food.

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