Zara MacGregor

Business Director Iris Worldwide


Zara leads Digital activity for Samsung throughout Europe working across SEO, Content, Social, Data, and CRO. Although currently focussed on a technology brand, she has worked across multiple sectors from baby names to bathroom appliances!

Zara has been working in Digital for over 10 years and was recently shortlisted for Organic Team of the Year by The Drum. She leads a team of 10, 8 women, 1 of whom was recently shortlisted for Rising Star at the European Search Awards.

Zara is currently focussed on building up the careers of women in Digital and supporting the longevity of those careers though initiatives such as closing the Gender Pay Gap and Fertility / IVF support at work.

More from Zara MacGregor


Why I’m advocating for women in SEO

By Zara MacGregor

Zara MacGregor, Business Director at Iris Worldwide, on ditching the stereotypes and embracing equality for women in technology

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