Visha Naul



After a few stints at MTV and Channel 4, Visha decided marketing & advertising was the place for her and joined Thinkbox (trade marketing body for commercial TV) in 2017, where she rose to Marketing Controller. Here she led various marketing activities from events and brand management to TV campaigns. Now at Google, Visha works as Industry Partnerships Lead for Google and YouTube advertising products in the UK. In 2014, Visha won the WACL Future Leaders Award [FLA]. Since the award, she has joined forces with fellow FLA’s to co-found FUTURES, a network that brings together a community of past and present FLA Winners, offering inspiration around career development, invaluable mentorship and support to industry female peers. The FUTURES Network is supported by WACL and NABS. Over the last few years, Visha has been spearheading, first of their kind, initiatives like the FUTURES Mentorship programme in partnership with WACL, #PassItOn series with Campaign and was a Judge on the Drum’s 25 women in digital initiative.

More from Visha Naul


How to navigate a bad brief

By Visha Naul

By shifting your mindset and taking ownership of your own career there is no such thing as a ‘bad brief’, writes Visha Naul, Co-Founder of Futures Network.

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