NSPCC and me: Not letting go
Sachini Imbuldeniya, CEO of House of Oddities, on how making a difference with the NSPCC brought her passion for creativity back to life
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Sachini Imbuldeniya is a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of content agency House of Oddities
She was previously ECD of content agency Nemorin, founder of diverse artist agency Studio PI and Honouree of Campaign and Creative Equals Future Leaders list, has joined forces with her former creative partner Darren Smith to launch a new content agency called ‘House of Oddities’.
As an Honouree for Diversity and Inclusion at the Campaign Female Frontiers awards, Sachini has a long history of championing inequality in the creative sector and founded artist agency Studio PI to support exceptional talent from the UK’s four most underrepresented groups: women, people of colour, people living with disabilities and people from working class backgrounds. Sachini herself hails from all four of these groups.
Sachini Imbuldeniya, CEO of House of Oddities, on how making a difference with the NSPCC brought her passion for creativity back to life
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