Radhika Popat

Associate Director Hunter


Over her 10+ year career, Radhika has led stand-out PR strategies that earn consumer attention for food and drink clients like Chambord, Jelly Belly, Jongga Kimchi, Jack Daniel's, TABASCO and Halo Top ice cream. Radhika’s role is to conceptualise memorable experiences for media, taking the characteristics of the brand and bringing them to life. She’s lead award-winning brand experientials such as Chambord’s Chapter Eight Games and Jongga’s Preserve a Table series. Additionally with strong media relationships, Radhika knows exactly who to pitch for each story she is selling. She understands the evolution of the news cycle and how to insert brands creatively into relevant cultural conversations.

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The importance of events for connection craving Gen Zs

By Radhika Popat

What can brands do to provide the sense of community their audiences are craving?

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