Rachel Spratley

copywriter JWI Global


Rachel Spratley is a copywriter for JWI Global. During her career, she has worked with a range of brands - from the pioneers of barefoot luxury travel to the next big names in fintech - to hone their tone of voice, develop standout creative campaigns and to tell brand stories that inform and inspire.

More from Rachel Spratley


Twitter, Threads… Mastodon? The future of social media marketing

By Rachel Spratley

With the social media landscape in flux, opportunities for a new discussion based platform open up

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Is Twitter’s new character limit the final nail in its coffin?

By Rachel Spratley

New leadership and big changes see the social media giant shift course

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The (de)regulation of social media: freedom of expression or a free pass for hate speech?

By Rachel Spratley

The importance of accountability on social media

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