Holly Waard

EVP, Head of Consumer Current Global


Holly has a track record working with leading consumer brands and organisations. From high impact Nike campaigns with Premier League and England players to breaking the record for the highest altitude speed dating with Expedia, embedding a Sky news crew with the Army, her career has been varied.

At Current Global Holly leads the consumer practice. She leads the global PR for the newly launched Saudi Arabian airline Riyadh Air, and Pullman Hotels. She has won several industry awards for her innovative campaigns and use of media to communicate brand strategy such as PR Week Gold for The Army on Everest. Prior to Current Global, Holly founded a communications agency which focused on consumer, social and digital activations for lifestyle clients. Work included the award winning social campaign for Shorn wines and brand lead for Lizi's Granola. Outside work Holly runs, plays hockey and has a passion for painting. She also loves a boot fair with her two teenage girls.

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