Calvin Innes

GM and Creative Director JvM NERD London


Calvin Innes is the GM and Creative Director at JvM NERD London, specialising in bridging the gap between brands and the vibrant world of fandom, nerd culture, gaming, comics, anime, sneaker culture and the world of kidults. With over two decades of experience, Calvin has crafted campaigns and content that have captivated audiences worldwide, amassing hundreds of millions of views.

Before joining JvM NERD, Calvin successfully led a marketing agency for a decade, delivering standout projects to clients across the UK and Europe, earning multiple awards along the way. He has built two multi-million-pound businesses from the ground up and has collaborated with numerous agencies and brands to create high-impact campaigns that resonate deeply with diverse audiences.

Calvin’s expertise lies in leveraging design, marketing, and creative strategy to help brands increase their visibility, engage audiences, and grow their market presence. As a seasoned TED-talker, presenter, and consultant, Calvin is passionate about guiding brands to enhance their positioning and achieve significant revenue growth through innovative marketing strategies that are grounded in fandom and nerd culture.

More from Calvin Innes


The evolution of fandom

By Calvin Innes

Embracing the power of fandom gives brands an opportunity to connect in meaningful ways with audiences

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