Caitlin Stanway-Williams

Head of Content Datasine


Caitlin is Head of Content at Datasine. Datasine is an AI-powered martech company, putting psychology and data at the heart of every campaign. Datasine helps marketers, brands and agencies create campaigns that cut through the noise and resonate with their target audiences. Caitlin turned her passion for creative writing into a career in tech, an industry she has worked in for a number of years. She is passionate about the relationship data and AI will have with creativity in the coming decade, as well as the importance of diversity, in particular gender diversity, in the tech industry.

More from Caitlin Stanway-Williams


The creative industry has a gender bias problem: Here’s how data could help

By Caitlin Stanway-Williams

Caitlin Stanway-Williams, Datasine’s Head of Content examines how data could be used to tackle the creative industry’s gender bias and ensure campaigns better reflect the way society really looks, thinks and feels.

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