Anniki Sommerville



Anniki Sommerville is a published author, insights consultant and comedian. Her latest book is available to order on Amazon and all good book retailers. Read more of her musings on work, life and midlife on Substack.

More from Anniki Sommerville


Kill the meetings, not the minds

By Anniki Sommerville

Anniki Sommerville on how Zoom meetings have become an epidemic

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How my daughter is buying into anti-ageing, luxury skincare aged 10 and a bit

By Anniki Sommerville

Brands must address targeting of young girls with beauty products, writes Anniki Sommerville, Director of Strategic Insights at Differentology.

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The midlife women who missed the ‘lazy girl jobs’ memo

By Anniki Sommerville

Covid applied more pressure onto Gen X women who were already burned out and undervalued by their companies, writes Anniki Sommerville.

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