Anjali Nazarenko

Brand Activation Consultant MassiveMusic & Songtradr


Anjali has a rich background in Brand Communications and is a true expert in the area of brand storytelling. After doing this through earned, owned and paid channels for many years, her curiosity and interest in music led her to want to follow a new path. That is how she ended up at MassiveMusic Amsterdam, where she discovered that telling brand stories through music is a great fit for her. In her role as a Brand Activation Director, she helps global brands such as Philips and Heineken amplify their impact by tapping into music culture. In her free time, Anjali enjoys obsessing over plants and travelling anywhere and everywhere she can.

More from Anjali Nazarenko


Refreshing fan engagement: Can brands take centre stage?

By Anjali Nazarenko

Heineken and Red Bull leverage the experience economy to authentically connect with music fans

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