

Toyota Library Car

Finland is a land of long distances, cold winters and conservative drivers. In a nation full of petrolheads, prejudices against electric cars are as strong as they are widespread, making people extremely hesitant to even consider driving one. 

To challenge people’s perceptions about EVs, Toyota launched its first electric car, the bZ4X in a place accessible to everyone, the library. In sparsely populated Finland, public libraries are vital cultural and educational hubs, popular with people from all walks of life. 

By adding the bZ4X to the public library system, accessing an electric car was suddenly as easy as borrowing a book. By simply scanning their library card, anyone could now book an EV for a day – no charge.porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Toyota Library Cars

Finland is a land of long distances, cold winters and conservative drivers. In a nation full of petrolheads, prejudices against electric cars are strong. We needed to challenge people’s perceptions, so made accessing them as easy as borrowing a book.

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020 7462 8500 [email protected]