

Extra Lecture Lounge

Chewing gum has helped students focus on their studies for decades, but chewing gum has fallen out of favour with young people.

Extra Gum’s new Chew Good platform is anchored in the truth that with a humble piece of chewing gum, under 25s can recenter to be their most resilient selves. 

But beyond product benefits, we knew we could win over young audiences by finding new, unconventional ways to support their emotional wellbeing.  

This is most relevant to students, as paying attention has never been more challenging.

So we created a tool to help them focus - an adaptive audio platform powered by artificial intelligence that sets any lecture recording to music; making lectures easier to chew on.

The tool was developed with 200 neurodiverse students from London School of Economics, Queen Mary’s, Arden and Goldsmiths. 

Once released open source, our mission is to support 50 million neurodivergent students worldwide.

The prototype strongly appealed to the students; on average it rated 4/5 for both positivity towards the tool and usefulness.

Responses also indicated that this tool, once fully developed, would trigger significant behaviour change amongst neurodiverse students. For both likelihood to use the tool regularly in their lecture viewing routines, and likelihood of telling their friends about the tool, they rated the tool an average of 4/5.

The development of and commitment to this breakthrough tool also made 70% of the students feel more positively about the Extra Gum brand.

The current prototype is the first iteration of the tool and our ambition is to continue to invest, iterate and improve the technology to better serve students worldwide, getting millions of students to see Extra Gum in a new light.


Extra Lecture Lounge

The Extra Lecture Lounge is an adaptive audio platform powered by artificial intelligence that is designed to aid neurodivergent students.

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020 7462 8500 [email protected]