

Argos 'Book of Dreams'

How to 'win' Christmas

Our challenge was to win Argos the greatest share of hearts and minds at Christmas against a backdrop of Brexit Britain.

Pull on the heartstrings

Our solution was to unleash the nation’s nostalgia with a final hurrah for the iconic Argos catalogue.

So, we decided to relaunch the Argos catalogue as ‘The Book of Dreams’.

To create a buzz we sent internet influencers their very own personalised one, which led them to our ‘Book of Dreams’ website, where we digitised every Argos catalogue ever made.

Next we created tailored social media posts, where people depending on their age were targeted with Argos catalogues from their childhood. 

Soon the nation was sharing pages from their childhood catalogues. The site went viral, getting over 44 million-page views, with the average person spending around 5 minutes on it. It made the news, and even made it onto the school curriculum. And to keep the conversation going, we even bought some dreams to life. 

Creating a cultural moment

Once we had people hooked, we released the film. It quickly became the nation’s favourite, with people remaking the ad. Featuring in over 300 publications, getting on TV shows and even hijacking a BBC radio show.

But it wasn’t just a success in the UK, the film was picked up globally. With the Argos girl becoming the most talked about drummer in the world. 

We didn’t just hit our targets, we smashed them. Getting a reach of 210 million, with 10.5million YouTube views (and counting), 99% positive sentiment online and generation over £12.5 million in earned media. We made one of the most famous Christmas ads in years, and took the Christmas Superbowl by storm, and even sold a few drum kits along the way. 

Maintaining momentum

Argos are proudly part of the fabric of our nation and to keep that momentum during 2020, we decided to bring some fun and noise to the nations homes with Nandi teaching children and adults how to drum making use of household items to ‘Gotta Get Thru This’ by Daniel Bedingfield; a fitting song for the times. 


Argos Book of Dreams

Win Argos the greatest share of hearts and minds at Christmas against a backdrop of Brexit Britain

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020 7462 8500 [email protected]