Top marks - building a global education brand

ISP is a pioneering collective of the best international schools. Their progressive approach is a real point of difference in the crowded private sector. But they were struggling to stand out in a ‘sea of sameness’ and urgently needed to recruit new schools and attract parents and students. Enter Special Group. 

We developed a powerful new purpose and positioning, and a distinctive visual identity, transforming this unknown schools aggregator into a global brand - and a truly transformative voice in the world of education. 

Outstanding - but not standing out 

School. The most important years of your child’s life. The cost of getting it wrong? Unthinkable. But how can you make the right choice when all the schools sound the same?

‘Empowering individuals to succeed’. ‘Create your future’. The language of private education was giving parents nothing except decision paralysis.

The International Schools Partnership (ISP) have a genuinely different proposition. A pioneering collective of 71 schools and 61,000 students across 19 countries, they utilise some of the most progressive educational techniques to create a personalised learning experience for each child. They employ research-based models and methodology to ensure schools get even better over time. And the results speak for themselves. But no one knew who ISP were. Or why they should care.

They came to Special Group with a brief to build distinctiveness, recognition and credibility - fast. With ambitious targets from investors seeking value growth, ISP urgently needed to recruit new schools and attract parents and students.

It wasn’t just about profit. ISP’s core belief is that delivering a transformative education to pupils will ultimately contribute to a better world and future for everyone - but this noble goal went unsung and unheard.

Our challenge was nothing short of turning this unknown schools aggregator into a global brand. And not just any brand - a truly transformative voice in the world of education.

Homework - research led us to a special insight

At Special Group we believe that the cornerstone of a strong brand is purpose: a guiding vision that inspires and unites consumers and employees alike. Purpose-driven companies grow 3 times faster on average than competitors, and have 40% higher levels of workplace retention - key to keeping the best teachers.

Our purpose had to be both externally motivating and internally galvanising. Right for now, and fit for the future. And in order to connect with a modern, globally-minded audience, it must be culturally relevant.

We held stakeholder interviews with chiefs and headteachers. We immersed ourselves in the category, carrying out detailed competitor reviews and analysis before developing initial strategic concepts. We conducted global focus groups with parents and teachers, exploring territories around individuality, personal agency, courage, and open-mindedness.

Research revealed that the most resonant concept - and the most desired end goal from education - was self-belief. Confidence was seen as the catalyst for personal success: a potent currency that lasts a lifetime. And ISP, through its unique approach and breadth of learning experiences, fuelled students with self-belief. 

Like a sprinter visualising the finish line, numerous studies support the notion that believing in your ability to do something enhances your ability to do it. Self-doubt can stifle creative instincts and ultimately hinder success. Without self-belief, even the brightest minds burn out. But when students are offered opportunities to explore their passions and build a sense of self, inevitably self-confidence grows. In other words, greater confidence comes from more progressive education. 

This was the key to unlocking our competitive advantage. 

Results day - a powerful new positioning

We boiled it down to a single-minded truth about the brand: ISP is a confidence catalyst for every curious thinker.

Curiosity is a vital ingredient of creative potential. And from a cultural perspective, creativity is our last weapon against robotic thinking. AI is rapidly infiltrating every area of public life, and by 2030, 85% of the jobs that will exist haven’t been invented yet. Curiosity is the engine of creativity, and ISP schools foster and nurture children’s natural curiosity - developing open-minded, resilient adults equipped to thrive no matter what the future brings.

From this, we extrapolated our purpose: To grow the world’s most curious, confident minds.

And a new endline: Where confidence grows.

Visually, we created a bold new brand world with vibrant colours, bespoke distinctive assets and striking typography. We devised a modern photographic style full of space, light and energy. Our four design principles: Modernity, Confidence, Inclusivity and Quality ensures ISP leaps out from the competition.

A bright future

Our purposeful platform will inspire a suite of new brand messaging, social media activations, digital outreach, internal communications and exciting new partnerships.

At Special Group we believe in the power of creativity to change the world. This wasn’t just about creating an education brand, it was about changing the world of education. 

As we put it in our creative manifesto, ISP creates the kind of thinker “who can do anything they choose today, and maybe even shape a better world of tomorrow”.


Top Marks - Building a global education brand.

Our work for ISP blended deep audience insight across 10 markets globally and our core design specialism to strategically reposition the brand from a schools group to a fresh, vibrant and modern education brand.

Business Objectives



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