Deli Kitchen - Go Flat

The Challenge
Deli Kitchen is one of our integrated Client Partners Media, Social, ATL and Production. We were tasked to create their first ever brand campaign with the objective of growing awareness of the brand from 19 to 22%.
Part of the brief was to also increase sales of their hero SKU Greek Flatbreads by 20% vs the same period year-on-year.
The greatest challenge was to make this product seem enticing but also stand-out so the activity didn’t blend into the myriad of food advertising that launches in summer.
The Insight
Most people in the UK are stuck in a vicious cycle of repetition. 59% of Britain cook just 6 meals a week and keep them in rotation.
We wanted to shake people out of their inertia, and encourage them to try something different in the bakery aisle. Rather than reaching for that sandwich, try a flatbread instead. Many people haven’t tried flatbreads, but once they do it changes how they approach the creation of meals.
No one wants to be boring, being boring sucks… With this in mind, our single minded proposition was clear: ‘you are what you eat’. Take a chance and try something new.
The Idea
We wanted to create something simple and single-minded to drive home the accessibility of flatbreads, whilst also making the food look delicious and foodie-worthy.
Our idea ‘Go Flat’ was the antithesis of overly complicated faddy headlines; instead we went straight to the point. Get a flatbread, go flat. A clear call to action for our campaign.
We took this even further in our creative expression of the idea, by literally flattening the face of our visual artist. This idea stretches the boundaries of food advertising, venturing into the quirky, playful and slightly odd world that Deli Kitchen want to own.

Launching the first integrated brand campaign for the UK’s leading flatbread brand Deli Kitchen.
Business Objectives
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