Cleanipedia - The Unmentionables

Cleanipedia, Unilever’s trusted hub for cleaning tips, set out to challenge the status quo in a market dominated by household names. With limited visibility and resources, Cleanipedia aimed to carve out its space by deeply connecting with its audience and becoming the go-to destination for science-backed cleaning advice.

The mission was bold: to drive younger audiences to its TikTok channel, targeting anyone who ‘makes stains’ (essentially… everyone). Research revealed something unexpected—online searches for cleaning solutions weren’t dominated by wine or grass stains but by the ‘unmentionables’ (blood, sweat, faeces, and semen). Cleanipedia decided it was time to break the taboo, address these everyday stains openly, and provide trusted, practical solutions.

The Big Idea

The campaign flipped the script on traditional cleaning advice by embracing honesty. Partnering with brands like Panda and Comfyballs, we created posters that transformed after dark. By day, they advertised products. By night, UV lights revealed ‘unmentionable’ stains with Cleanipedia’s branding and a QR code. Scanning the code led to TikTok videos where ‘Cleanfluencers’ tackled the topic head-on with humour, science, and practical tips—redefining how people engage with cleaning content.

The Cultural Impact

Through a bold and integrated campaign—including billboards, micro-influencers, and PR—Cleanipedia sparked conversations, created buzz, and delivered measurable results:

• 120M Total Impressions

• 356 Pieces of Coverage

• 2.5x TikTok Engagement Rate Benchmark

By breaking taboos and shifting perspectives, Cleanipedia turned cleaning into a topic of curiosity and conversation, building trust and relevance with a new generation.


The Unmentionables

Cannes award-winning work. Cleanipedia's campaign used outdoor ads to highlight the most-searched-for stains online, which are often bodily fluids.

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MullenLowe UK

020 7584 5033 [email protected]