The Brief

Switzerland had been losing winter footfall year on year to other countries due to a perception of it being old fashioned and expensive. We needed to be disruptive to engage their highly targeted but indifferent audience.

We were tasked with creating a Europe wide (non-Swiss) proposition for Switzerland Tourism, understanding and challenging the consistent barriers and perceptions of Switzerland across Europe. 

They needed a strategic communications platform that would change these perceptions whilst engaging both travel agents and consumers directly and at the same time.

Our Approach

We developed the ‘Reach Out And Touch It’ positioning which engaged both consumers and travel agents alike, allowing them to authentically experience the country first hand, the sites, smells, tastes, people and culture

Our campaign consisted of five giant ice blocks, designed to look cut from a glacial face, and dropped them into five high profile locations across London on set days. 

People were encouraged to reach out and touch the ice block to melt free the prizes stored inside. Real Swiss ski instructor ambassadors handed out leaflets which directed people to a campaign website, where they could read more, play the online game ‘Melt the Ice’ (developed for the campaign), and win further prizes.


  • 11% rise in winter bookings from UK (following 
  • 25k people engaged directly
  • 1m YouTube views
  • Reversed a 4 year decline in footfall 


Switzerland Tourism | Reach Out And Touch It

Switzerland had been losing winter footfall YoY to other countries due to a perception of it being old fashioned and expensive. We developed an idea that engaged both consumers and travel agents alike, allowing them to authentically experience the country.

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Kitchen Advertising ltd

0203 053 0055 [email protected]