A Moon For All Mankind

The Challenge
49 years ago, the world held their breath as Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon. It was hailed as “giant leap for mankind.” In reality, only 12 astronauts have ever set foot on the Moon.

Our Approach
In partnership with Oscar winning creative studio Framestoreand engineering experts Mannetron, and in collaboration with NASA and the team at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre, we set out on a two-year mission in the spirit of Samsung’s brand promise ‘Do what you can’t'; aiming to push the limits of what a Samsung phone can do and open the Moon to all.

After launching under embargo at the 2018 Winter Olympics and Mobile World Congress, July saw us launch the experience to the public at Samsung’s flagship 837 store, in New York City.
- 152.1M
- Social media impressions
- 27K
- People reached at Mobile World Congress
- 578
- Engagements & 1.8K device interactions at 837
- < 30 mins
- Slots filled on average in under 30 mins
- 3x
- LIA, Experience Design & Tech, Epica Awards
A Moon For All Mankind
Pushing the limits of what a Samsung phone can do.