
We rediscovered Simply Be’s mojo and engaged new audiences by transforming a product truth into a galvanising rallying cry. 

Due to its plus size heritage, Simply Be wasn’t on most women’s radar, and if it was, they were often embarrassed to shop there. In order to widen their audience base, we needed to powerfully communicate the value of its fit expertise for women of all sizes.


Making fit matter to all women

The truth is, ill-fitting clothing is not a plus size issue. No matter what size you are, every woman experienced the glare of badly-lit changing rooms; the panic buying of 5 items for the same event; the sinking feeling when an outfit looks different on you to on the mannequin. No matter what size or shape, women still find it second nature to blame their bodies - not the clothes.

To make Simply Be relevant to a broader audience, we needed to unite women against a common enemy - bad fit. Set against this backdrop, we welcomed all women to experience the liberation of fashion that truly fits.

A campaign in the true sense of the word.

Having landed on an emotive and universal insight, we needed a creative vehicle that every women could see themselves in and feel a part of. It wouldn’t be enough to parrot the brand’s rational proof points - this was about creating a movement.

Using influencers and models that shared our point of view, we started a movement that unifies all women against bad fit and celebrates the sense of freedom good fit gives.

increase in new customers
increase in Brand Consideration
increase in ‘Products that fit me properly’
increase in ‘Offers fashionable clothes’

Clothing that actually fits is a subject that seems frivolous, but when you dig deeper is incredibly important to self-confidence and wellbeing. For too long, the fashion industry has fuelled a culture where women shame themselves when something doesn’t fit right. Instead of “the cut is wrong”, we’ll go “my bum is too big”. Enough! Through diverse casting and a fresh brand POV, Simply Be want to lead the change - the fashion brand that encourages women to blame the clothing, not themselves.

Zara Ineson, Executive Creative Director





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House 337

020 3128 8000 [email protected]